Idealist Parents feed their children perfectly balanced
diets featuring home-cooked delights made with organic, environmentally-friendly
ingredients, added vitamins and fish oils, and wouldn’t know a MacDonalds from
a Pizza Hut.
Real Parents know that frozen chicken nuggets are an
essential timesaver, fast food is a good bribery tool, the occasional bit of
sugar won’t kill them, and sweetcorn fritters cover one of their 5 a day – does
that count for apple pie too?
Idealist Parents think television should never, ever be
shown to under 5s, and will only allow older children to watch highly
educational programmes that they have thoroughly vetted. They only have
television for the news and the occasional documentary anyway.
Real Parents know that if it wasn’t for CBeebies, no
housework would ever get done. And how would they switch off in the evening
without Eastenders?
Idealist Parents only allow their children to play with
traditional toys hand-carved by disadvantaged Aboriginal people from
sustainable wood.
Real Parents find themselves queuing at 5am on Christmas Eve
to purchase the latest ‘must have’ gadget, frequently lose their children in
the mountain of soft toys, and think they are probably keeping the plastics
industry afloat single handed.
Idealist Parents spend their free time taking walks in the
bracing country air with their children and collecting autumnal foliage which they
will later make into an impressive collage during their carefully scheduled
craft activities.
Real Parents don’t know what free time is. Possibly the three
and a half minutes between getting the packed lunches ready for the following
day and falling into bed?
Idealist Parents do their shopping as a family at the
organic market.
Real Parents drag their bedraggled children around Tesco whilst
simultaneously worrying if the bus will be full because of the rain and saying
things like “Yes, I will buy you the latest Transformer, but please stop pulling
Sophie’s hair!”
Idealist Parents read Tolstoy to their unborn children, play
Wagner in the car, and enrol their progeny in cello lessons and Latin classes
before they are out of nappies.
Real Parents can recite Mr Men books by heart, play ‘The
Wheels on the Bus’ on loop, and give their kids a saucepan and a wooden spoon
to exercise their musical talents.
(Note: Jai has no problem with Idealist Parents. She just
isn’t one.)
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